Welcome to the Keep Brad Blog

June 16, 2022

Welcome to the Keep Brad blog, where over the following weeks and months I’ll be posting regular messages about my re-election campaign. I’ll also use this space to address issues and ideas I know are important to you. I think you’ll find the information offered in these posts to be interesting and insightful.

At a campaign reception we held in May, I told the 150-plus people gathered there I would do three things in my next term as Henderson County Judge-Executive:

  1. Take Care of Business – We’ll continue to be conservative, professional, ethical stewards of the resources our constituents entrust to us to fund the important services and projects you all expect from county government.
  2. Take Care of Our People – We’ll continue to support, train and encourage our team members at the county to make sure they understand how important their work is and make certain they keep the needs of our customers – all of you – as their priority.
  3. Take Care of Our Relationships – We’ll continue to maintain strong partnerships with the City of Henderson, our neighboring counties and cities, and lawmakers, leaders and government officials in Frankfort and Washington, D.C. Those friendships and open lines of communication are keys to our future growth and prosperity.

I then asked the gathered crowd for three things they could do in return for our re-election effort:

  1. Have Courage – Don’t be afraid to express public support for my campaign. We’ll make our case and run on our record. If you believe in what we’ve accomplished and want to see more of the same, be bold in saying so, but always with respect and courtesy.
  2. Have Faith – Believe that if you help us make the factual, honest case for my re-election, your family, friends and neighbors will understand and agree. Believe that folks with open minds who care about this community have seen the progress we’ve made and appreciate the leadership we’ve shown.
  3. Have FUN! – Local politics can be divisive, even mean, but there’s no reason for this race to dampen the overall mood of our county. Great stuff is happening here! The momentum is building, more opportunities are presenting themselves and the future looks bright. Let’s enjoy that, celebrate it and use this race to focus on all the positive things that make Henderson County so special.

Thanks for checking out this blog. More posts coming soon.


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